Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Self Reflection

        1.      How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why? AE, P, AP, CR, or NC
If I go by Senior Class standards, the best I could want and wish for is a CR, but as of right now, to be completely honest, I would think an NC, only because of my Interview 2, which I haven’t done. Everything else I have done has been worthy of a P or better. It is not that I haven’t tried or have been slacking, it is because finding service learning is incredible difficult, I have tried hospitals and gyms and weight loss clinics, anything that is health related.

        2.      What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?
I think that my 1st interview was well worthy of an AE, interviewing people is not hard for me, and I was extremely lucky to have an interviewee who talked a lot and in detail. She gave me in-depth answers to my questions, and I also asked more questions than were asked of me. I feel extremely proud of that interview I did, and if I had to choose a project to represent my whole project, I would choose that interview. On the plus side, I learned a lot from my interviewee, she gave me great insight into how she got started in Zumba and how her life changed after starting the Zumba exercise.

        3.      What is one thing you would like to improve on and why?
I would definitely like to have service learning, right now my senior project is looking a little bleak and so are my grades. Not having service learning is affecting my projects, such as not being able to do my 2nd interview and being behind on my service learning hours, which if I don’t find service learning soon, I will be behind in that part of the project as well. Service learning is basically the deciding factor of my grades at this point. But I do know what I have to do and I talked to others to see what my options could be, at this point I’m just calling places to see if I can get in. But I do know where I stand and I know the potential damage that can be placed on my grades.