Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

(a) "I, Leah Rodarte, affirm that I completed  my independent component which represents 30 hours of work"

(b) My topic is Zumba, but my essential question is about losing body fat, so what better way than to take a Zumba class for my Independent Component. In the class, it was about enjoying your time while exercising in a high-intensity pace, so in that I completed a exercise class, with a twist of Latin-infused dances.

From Monday-Friday, I took a Zumba class for 1 hour, as I have said before, it was an high intensity Zumba class, where we did aerobic/latin dances. As part of my class, we did arm, ab, back, and leg workouts all in one song/routine. Some of songs my instructor incorporated in our class were reggageton, cumbia, hip-hop, and merengue. With any activity, it requires practice and working at it, to get better, that is what this Zumba class has meant for me, every time I go, I get better and my body and mind become healthier. That is pretty much all I can say to defend my work on this component. The most significant part of this component is learning as well as exercising to the latin songs, exercise is offend repetitive and in my mind time consuming, but with Zumba, I learned new things everyday and enjoyed excerising, which is alot of the times not found in traditional excerises.    

My essential question is, "What is the best way to lose body fat?" Exercise has been a major component to any health lifestyle, whether it is used to lose body fat or maintain a health body. I had seen first hand what exercise can do for the goal of losing fat. Doing Zumba changed my body such as:
- I worked out muscles that I rarely ever work out.
- After I come out of my class, I feel this sense of satisfaction, because when a person exercises, the body releases endorphins, which blocks the feeling of pain.
- I have become more aware of what I'm eating.

Prime example that Zumba helps people lose fat and is an excellent fun way of exercising:
- My instructor, who use to be over 200 pounds, was trying to lose fat, through traditional ways of exercise, such as walking and running, yeah she was finding herself in a plateau, then she joined Zumba. Now-a-days, she is extremely fit, lean and muscular, and she has gained her muscles from doing Zumba.

Here is a link to the Calendar for my Independent Component:
Independent Component Calendar


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