Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Research Check 13

Article: "Are These Foods Really Healthy?
Author: Danya Winter, RD
Site/Source: Prevention Magazine

"...Society for Neuroscience's conference in San Diego... researchers presented several studies neatly demonstrating that a particular type of trans fat attacked brain tissue, muddying thought and destroying memory.
My Thoughts:
I didn't know there were different types of trans fat, that is a good "look up" idea, if the brain is harmed in anyway then that will unintentional harm the body and one's healthy.

"...Rats eating trans fats made more errors than the vegetable oil group, they didn't seem to learn from previous trips through a maze. Granhholm (neuroscientist Lotta Granholm, PhD, director of the Center on Aging at the Medicial University of South Carolina) suspects that the trans fats were choking off a key neurological protein, possibly by inflaming the brain's tissue."
My Thoughts:
My question is could this possibly kill a person, granted when ur senses are not all there, you make reckless decisions, but that can also be said for why as a society we eat foods, fast food that we know are bad for us, but is also very addicting. Could it be a silent killer.

"Food manufacturers had began using a comparatively cheap new hybrid sweetener called high fructose corn syrup back in the late 1960s, and a few years later, rates of obesity and diabetes began to skyrocket."
My Thoughts:
Humm... Idea! Look up all things bad in foods, ingredients, man made ingredients that have cause or maybe causing obesity. Also the dangers of meat products they is a lot of controversy as to if they are healthy or harmful.

*Research Site: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

"These two ingredients- trans fat and high fructose corn syrup- are in 40% of the foods Americans eat every day. And a growing number of experts believe that both are contributing to the epidemic levels of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in the U.S."

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