Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Independent Component 2

a) I, Leah Rodarte, affirm I that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) My independent component consist of doing a Zumba class and keeping a Food Journal.

My independent component focused on two aspects, fitness and nutrition. My Zumba class was the fitness part where I took an 1 hour or 2 hour classes each week to keep my body moving. My Zumba class added 41 hours for my independent component. The food journal was the nutrition part, where I keep a record of what I eat on a daily basis, a way for me to analyze what I am eating and to pick out the good and the bad. The food journal on average took me 5 minutes to fill out.

My essential question, " What is the best way to lose body fat?" My strongest answers are exercise and nutrition, my independent component focused on both of those answers. Zumba was the exercise aspect and the food journal was the nutrition aspect. By exercising I was burning calories, which in turn burned fat at a faster pace and the food journal helped me analyze my eating habits and separate the bad from the good. I learned that when you keep track of your eating habits your more inclined to be in tune which what your eating as opposed to not keeping track and being about to forget the bad habits.
Hours: 40+

February/March Calender


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