Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Service Learning



What is the most important thing you have gained from this experience? Why?

I most important thing I gained from my experience would have to be preparing food and learning what that entails, from that experience it has definitely put a new perspective on what I eat/put in my mouth. The food I prepare isn't always healthy, and seeing how the kitchen uses a lot of processed foods to make their food, showed me that looks can be deceiving. 


How did what you did help answer your EQ? Please Explain.

Well, my service learning isn't directly related to my EQ, but it does relate to one of my answers which has to do with nutrition. Often times, eating quick meals that others prepare for you is easier on yourself, but not on your health/body. Working in a kitchen, we would prepare food that wasn't always healthy for the general public that would buy the food, but it was easy for them. As far as it helping my EQ, it just gave me a sense of perspective on where food comes from and how it's being prepared.

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