Leah R.
Topic: Zumba
EQ: What is the best way to maintain a healthy body fat percentage?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog 1: Senior Project Topic

Coming into senior year, knowing I would have a yearlong project to complete and present to my fellow students, I knew that whatever my topic was going to be, it had to have some type of physical fitness aspect to it.
The topic I chose for my senior project is Zumba.  This past summer, I was introduced to Zumba, by a family member; so far I have being participating for two months and counting. I chose my topic because every time I come out of the class, I have new found energy, stress lifted off of me, and a happier outlook. Zumba’s motto is, “Ditch the Workout, Join the Party.” It truly is a party and I want to explore other aspects of Zumba, the different Latin dances incorporated into the exercises, the music that is used, and the health benefits. But ultimately choosing this topic is a way for me to explore my roots (being that in the Hispanic culture, dance and music are a big part of life as a Hispanic) that I have never known (I’m more American than I am Mexican ), to gain a sense of awareness towards happiness, health, and my background. Zumba infuses both my roots and health into one.
I hope to accomplish a sense of appreciation for Latin dance and music and a healthier life. I’ve never been much of a dancer when it comes to Latin dance, the fluid movements and consistent feet  work are a daunting task for me, often leaving me in a stiff position. As I am taking my Zumba class on a daily basis, I am learning slowly but surely how to loosen up and feel the music, but with this project I plan to grow in my dancing skills. Also, with Zumba being an exercise, healthy eating soon follows, I want to make Zumba "my" lifestyle, exercise only takes you so far, eating health just finishes the job.  I am tired of the way food makes me feel, because I’m not eating enough vegetables and fruit, I want to make that more important than my carb craving, meat isn’t a big deal for me, since I’m not a big fan. In the end, I hope to be more curvaceous and less chubby, to put it lightly for myself.

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